Clinics, Paperwork, and Chinese Art, Part 1
We got a bit of a late start today, as our first organized event was not until 3:30.
Kate likes to keep abreast of current events.

An early morning call from Granddaddy Rick and Gigi:

Another breakfast at the White Swan:

John Sheahan and Fiona at the next table:

Bridget Sheahan and Fiona with Michael Flynn:

Back in the room with a sleepy girl:

Health Update: Kate has not responded to the decongestant and the antibiotic as well as we would have hoped. Her breathing is still often labored and rattles, and she's obviously still very congested. So we decided to take her to the Canadian-American clinic at the Garden Hotel in Guangzhou. We have nothing against Chinese doctors, but we wanted to see a doctor that we knew could understand us and that we knew we could understand. David and Therese Byrne also wanted to take Lydia in for a check-up, so we shared a taxi and went in the afternoon.
Kate is still a bit sick. She has bronchitis and an ear infection. The doctor gave us a stronger antibiotic and decongestant than we have been using, and we hope Kate will be well before we have to travel on the 17th.
Knowing how poorly she must have been feeling for a lot of the last week, it's amazing how often Kate has been happy and cheerful. She really is an impressive, brave little girl with a generally wonderful disposition.
Christi and Kate in the clinic waiting room:

Lydia Byrne thinks she's in a Chinese prison. Actually, it's just a very well protected taxi:

A beautiful building we have passed many times:

Eddie and Kate in the taxi going back to the hotel:

Back at the hotel room:

It's late. Kate is asleep. For the second night in a row she has gone to sleep at night with nary a complaint or whimper.
We're pretty tired, so we'll call it a night.
To Be Continued ...
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