Touring and Shopping in Guangzhou, Part 1
The itinerary for today:
Sightseeing: Yeuxiu Park and Chen Chen Temple
Shopping: Pearl and Jade Market
Kate dressed for her big day out:

Breakfast at the White Swan:

There were tater tots on the breakfast buffet this morning. All the Americans were very excited.

The group gathers and leaves the hotel:

We arrive at Yeuxiu Park:

It's a pretty hot and humid day in Guangzhou:

Some are more awake -

- than others:


The goat or ram is the symbol of Guangzhou:

This was the first day we were really exposed to the general Chinese population. Many were curious about and delighted by our children and families. One woman in particular took Kate right out of Christi's arms, loved on her and displayed her proudly to her friends, even had them take her picture with Kate. We could not understand what she said to us, but we both felt that she was expressing gratitude and appreciation for what we were doing. Later, Christi was swarmed by adoring Chinese women who doted on Kate. They are also not shy about offering parenting advise, and very protective and loving of the children we are adopting.
Our new Chinese friend with Kate:

And with the Cooksey's:

Father and daughter:

The Byrnes:

The park is a place where retirees exercise daily. Some perform Tai Chi -

Some ballroom dancing -

And some play hacky sack. Eddie Graham joins in:

Mother and daughter:

TO BE CONTINUED (Kate's asleep and we're going to bed)
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