Our Sponsor Child
This week has been so exciting. Not only did we find out about our Kate and see photos for the first time, we also got a letter from our sponsor child Shuaili (sh-why lee). We are sponsoring him through our agency Children's Hope International. There is a link on the left side of our blog if you'd like to find out more.
Shuaili wants to be an artist. That is his goal in life. He has a happy positive attitude about being in the orphanage and having Polio. His health does not get him down because he has a dream. We are very proud to be his sponsors and to help make his dreams come true.
Here are some photos of Shuaili and some drawings he sent to us. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

I love the drawings..and Kate is a beauty. So glad you posted your fax. Today is the one year anniversary of our referral and we too got the fax. It was scary (yours is better than ours) but luckily the next day got our packet and saw her beautiful face. Here's to a speedy TA and CA and happy travels.
Laura (Mama to Annslee JiaNa)
(btw..we live in Nashville too)
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